Friday, September 11, 2009

Voronoi decomposition machine

Little simple Voronoi diagram demonstration I made, just to put into test my unique color generating class .. which .. actually doesn't work yet :))). Instead I'm using 15 preset colors (that's why you can create only 15 limit points).
Also I wanted to play little bit with bitmapData class as I've never used it before I guess.

Edit: I'll try to upload it with working color generator and unlimited number of limit points asap.

- Just click on the white canvas to create limit points.
- Click "Clear" button to erase all limit points.

Definition (as it is written in wikipedia):
Voronoi diagram is a special kind of decomposition of a metric space determined by distances to a specified discrete set of objects in the space, e.g., by a discrete set of points. It is named after Georgy Voronoi, also called a Voronoi tessellation, a Voronoi decomposition, or a Dirichlet tessellation (after Lejeune Dirichlet)

for more info check directly the Wikipedia page.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Older web projects

Few older projects for my ex-employer. I was doing mostly design of certain parts of these webpages (or whole design in some cases) and xhtml + css coding to be used over existing CMS. - - - - ttp://

Sunday, August 23, 2009

K-means clustering machine

Small work to demonstrate function of k-means clustering. Just to practice work with flex components.
It's finished finally, I didn't have much time for it. Used Flex 3 + AS3, there's something wrong with memory management but it's working more or less anyway :)

Here's some screenshot:

And here is the link to latest working version:

How to use:
1. Generate some points with 'Generate' button (1-300 points)
2. Click on the white canvas to create some default cluster centers (up to 15)
3. Hit the 'Start' button
4. Now you can use Iteration buttons down there to move and see specific iteration steps.

Edit: Source files can be found Here.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


An old HTML template I found in my old works repository. It was made for Orbit company, but I can't recall if they ever used it.
I still have the template online on my web so you can check it on

Here is some nice screenshot also:

Monday, August 10, 2009

A quick profile web I made for a small slovakian company. This was my first webpage after a very long time. Looks dull but I'm not into changing it anymore :).

You can see the web for yourselves on

And if you're too lazy to click, this is how it looks:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Landscape generator

Some pictures from older OpenGL project - Landscape generator.
Terrain and texture generators use perlin noise function in this one.

Made completely in C/C++ (+OpenGL) in VS2008.

Edit: Here are complete (I hope) source files.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


One older design and xhtml template I made for a company in Prague MHM. I lost my original work after such time, but the design is more or less the same.
Design screenshot:

Or you can see the full version on their website.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

FIT Invaders

My last actionscript work, a very simple invaders-like game I made as a project for my multimedia classes.

The game is only half-finished, missing shop system, bosses and some additional details (which I'm planning to finish during summer), but is playable anyway.


Play Here!

Edit: Source files can be found Here!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Al-Profi logo

Just a three simple amateur logos I made for a small slovakian company called Al-profi. Made with reference to their older logo in a shape of a roof (They sell things you can use on your roof ... well, stuff like that :))

At the end they wanted no.3.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Taxi Trend

A very quick and simple web I made for local taxi company (Taxi Trend). It was made few years back and they are not using it anymore (I don't know why), instead they have something much more ugly there (from my point of view :)).

Here's the backup on my web: (not everything is working on the web now, though)

And some screenshot:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Space Proscpector !!

My new project for multimedia classes. I have to do SOME computer game in SOME programming language and with SOME sounds, music and animation. That is all they say. So I decided for a small adictive flash-game with a working title "Space Prospector". (I'll change it later for something more flashy ... like Aliens vs. Prospectors VI: Terror from the Grand Nebulae).

Okay back to my game. It will be really cool, I promise .. you can se the first pieces of coolness already shining from a quick sketch I made today. Here it comes:

And there will be rockets, meteors, asteroids, red dwarfs, black holes, lasers, shielded aliens, gold, space pirates !!, black holes, FTL drives, and much more ... coming soon !

Monday, March 23, 2009

Convolution, Sobel and Median filters

My little project for Image Processing clases.

We had to create our own convolution filter with a sharpening 3x3 matrix [0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0].
Then a Sobel filter using the convolution with two 3x3 edge detection matrices: [-1, 0, 1, -2, 0, 2, -1, 0, 1] and [1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -2, -1]
And finally a Median blurring filter.

It was quite easy and here is a little example of how it worked:

1. Original (Natalie Portman mmm :)):

2. Convolution sharpening filter:

3. Sobel edge detector filter:

4. Median blurring filter with median matrix 7x7

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mach-Zehnder interferometer no.2

So, I've finished project for my Optics clases - Mach-Zehnder Interferometer as I've mentioned earliear.

The programming is kind of crappy as I was really in a hurry (3 days of work :)), and actually it has some kind of memory leak I guess, but it was good enough for presentation at school :).

This is how it looks on resized picture. Better click that link :)

You can play with it here: (Slovak only - clickable even if you don't speak it though)

Play with Mach and Zehnders here

To access some interactivity you need to check the "Vložiť objekt" (Insert object) checkbox.

Oh and I can't forget: Made in Flex + AS3 combo as usual.
Next I'm planing to do a game ... (and a good one now :)).

Edit: Source files can be found Here!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mach-Zehnder interferometer

Preview for my application to demonstrate functions of Mach-Zehnder interferometer for my Optics classes.
I'm going to animate it in Flash as usually :).

P.S.: Click for original resolution


Minesweeper beta version done. Made in FlashDevelop using Flex and ActionScript 3.
I wanted to make more versions with different sizes of game table, but for now it's only 7x7 with 6 mines. I might add that later, it's not written bad so it shouldn't be that hard.

Left click - reveal piece
CTRL + Left click - flag piece

Edit: Source files can be found Here!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pixeljoint challenge: One Word Comic

My entry for a Pixeljoint challenge: One word comic.

The panels are differently placed here but there is no other difference.

Minesweeper preview

I am programming currently a minesweeper as my second practice game in Flex & AS3 combo and here are 2 layouts I drew before, the result is little bit different now, I'll post it here once it is done.

First and second layout:

Webdesign classes project

My old project for webdesign classes. The goal was to make a xhtml template with two totally differently looking stylesheets. Everything 100% valid of course.

You can browse it right here.

Jumping cat!

Hmm a cat jumping up and down ??

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Flash Tetris

My first Flex + AS3 application.

Play here:

I decided to do tetris because I thought it's one of the easiest things there is to program (such a fool I was :)). It turned out to work a little, even if the code is a terrible mess. (It was a good practice though).

I used FleshDevelop to write all that, and I recommend it to anyone who doesn't want to buy Flex or Flash. (FlashDevelop is free).

Attack of the evil space carrots

Just a quick image I made from boredom.

Ragnarok Online database

A web page I made as a database server for MMORPG Ragnarok online, specifically for czech Reborn server, where I was playing.

This web was never fully finished but lot of parts (like calulators, monster or item databases), were and still are functional.

Here you can try my forging and brewing calculator:
Forging calc
Brewing calc

All the data were from eAthena (Reborn server is running eAthena) databases, but I'm not updating data according to newer SVNs so it's pretty outdated by now.

Edit: I'll add a short RO video of my gameplay later :)

Edit2: Okay, for some unknown reason youtube can't upload my video so I'll just post a link here:

5 of spades

This is another old collaboration project of mine. This time it's for a set of playing cards. Mine is five of spades obviously (there are even 5 of them ... I'm good :)).

This time I'm pretty happy with the work and like it actually. Wanted to make it animated but I'm too lazy. :)

Tower block collab

An old piece (from 2005 or 2006) for a tower block collaboration project. I would like to provide a link to the whole tower project but unfortunately I think it is lost in the depths of time now.

This piece needs a lot (really a lot) of improvement and I know about it, I'm just not into fixing it anymore.

Adventures of a boy with a nuclear bomb

The very first comics I made.
Unfortunately it has only one panel because the realms where my comic took place were destroyed by a nuclear explosion :(

Friday, March 6, 2009

IIS Train Station ticket office

IIS Train Station ticket office is a project I made in 2005 for a clases of IIS (Information Systems) at BUT - Brno University of Technology.

Quite an easy task, but very time-consuming ... I hope I'll never end up doing some information systems in a future although apart from boredom it's not so bad. I also had to do some ER and Use-case diagrams (interesting hmmm .. we like planning !)

The aim of the project was to create a information system for train ticket office with different layers of access (administrator, manager, office clerk, and customer). As you can suspect each type of access had various different functions, from adding and managing new train connections (administrator) to simple search of connection between two cities (customer).

There's not a lot of pixelart, but a few simple (= ugly) icons, which I proudly put here. Nothing special but alas better then not using pixelart at all (I hope).

Apart from drawing fancy ER and Use-case diagram in some uknown diagram program I mainly (only) used here a MySQL database and usual university student combo XHTML/CSS + PHP.

P.S. (I won't provide a link to this project online ... yet - safety reasons ... that means there's no safety and I don't want you to mess with my shiny trains :)