Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Minesweeper beta version done. Made in FlashDevelop using Flex and ActionScript 3.
I wanted to make more versions with different sizes of game table, but for now it's only 7x7 with 6 mines. I might add that later, it's not written bad so it shouldn't be that hard.

Left click - reveal piece
CTRL + Left click - flag piece

Edit: Source files can be found Here!


  1. hello, could you please post the sourcecode for others to see?
    thanks! Marton

  2. Would you be nice enough to tell me how to migrate you code to an fla file (Flash CS4).

    Thank you

  3. Import .swf file as a new object? :)

  4. Hello again,

    thanks for the reply. What I wanted to say in my previous post was that I'm using the Flash IDE not Flex.

    You are using the Canvas class (mx.containers.Canvas) which I don't see in the Flash IDE. My question is how would I ago about that since in your draw_layout() function you have a parameter sheet of the type Canvas.

    Sorry I'm a noob

    Thanks again

  5. Hi.

    Ok I got it now. I didn't realize that Flex problem.

    Well either you'd have to rewrite quite a part of the code (instead of flex Canvas class you can use let's say Sprite class)
    or find a way how to use flex components under flash IDE (I don't know if that's possible)

    Hope that helps you a little.

  6. Hi Simon,

    I guess my best bet would be to use the Sprite class instead of Canvas.

    Thank you !
