Friday, March 6, 2009

IIS Train Station ticket office

IIS Train Station ticket office is a project I made in 2005 for a clases of IIS (Information Systems) at BUT - Brno University of Technology.

Quite an easy task, but very time-consuming ... I hope I'll never end up doing some information systems in a future although apart from boredom it's not so bad. I also had to do some ER and Use-case diagrams (interesting hmmm .. we like planning !)

The aim of the project was to create a information system for train ticket office with different layers of access (administrator, manager, office clerk, and customer). As you can suspect each type of access had various different functions, from adding and managing new train connections (administrator) to simple search of connection between two cities (customer).

There's not a lot of pixelart, but a few simple (= ugly) icons, which I proudly put here. Nothing special but alas better then not using pixelart at all (I hope).

Apart from drawing fancy ER and Use-case diagram in some uknown diagram program I mainly (only) used here a MySQL database and usual university student combo XHTML/CSS + PHP.

P.S. (I won't provide a link to this project online ... yet - safety reasons ... that means there's no safety and I don't want you to mess with my shiny trains :)

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