Friday, December 17, 2010

Sudoku solver (Not finished yet)

Another application I've tried to make using only proce$$ing programming language is Sudoku solver.

I was and I still am wondering why are people fascinated by sudoku puzzles, which are in my opinion very boring and repetitive. And to totally eradicate any urges inside of me to solve another sudoku puzzle in the future I've (almost) written this application in proce$$ing.

There's one last chunk of algorithm missing still, but the application works in 95%. As usually with proce$$ing I didn't bother to add any visible GUI items, such as buttons or menus, so follow the instructions if you want to try it.

Here are some screenshots as how it works:
1. Find a sudoku you would like to solve

2. Rewrite the Sudoku starting numbers into their fields (just hover the cursor about the respective field and press number key)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Voronoi in Proce$$ing

I've encountered a very interesting programming tool called Proce$$ing, which is aimed at creating applications with primary visual output in fast and easy way.

You can check proce$$ing at it's home page

I've yet to fully explore all it's functions, but my first tries are very promising.
Here's the same Voronoi program I've written in Actionscript before, but this time in Proce$$ing. The code is much shorter and the application much faster.

Proce$$ing enables the user to export the code as a standalone Win/Mac application or as a Java applet - which you can see right here.

Controls: Left-click to add a new node.
Hold left mouse button on a node and drag to move the node.

Source code: Can be found here.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Voronoi decomposition machine

Little simple Voronoi diagram demonstration I made, just to put into test my unique color generating class .. which .. actually doesn't work yet :))). Instead I'm using 15 preset colors (that's why you can create only 15 limit points).
Also I wanted to play little bit with bitmapData class as I've never used it before I guess.

Edit: I'll try to upload it with working color generator and unlimited number of limit points asap.

- Just click on the white canvas to create limit points.
- Click "Clear" button to erase all limit points.

Definition (as it is written in wikipedia):
Voronoi diagram is a special kind of decomposition of a metric space determined by distances to a specified discrete set of objects in the space, e.g., by a discrete set of points. It is named after Georgy Voronoi, also called a Voronoi tessellation, a Voronoi decomposition, or a Dirichlet tessellation (after Lejeune Dirichlet)

for more info check directly the Wikipedia page.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Older web projects

Few older projects for my ex-employer. I was doing mostly design of certain parts of these webpages (or whole design in some cases) and xhtml + css coding to be used over existing CMS. - - - - ttp://

Sunday, August 23, 2009

K-means clustering machine

Small work to demonstrate function of k-means clustering. Just to practice work with flex components.
It's finished finally, I didn't have much time for it. Used Flex 3 + AS3, there's something wrong with memory management but it's working more or less anyway :)

Here's some screenshot:

And here is the link to latest working version:

How to use:
1. Generate some points with 'Generate' button (1-300 points)
2. Click on the white canvas to create some default cluster centers (up to 15)
3. Hit the 'Start' button
4. Now you can use Iteration buttons down there to move and see specific iteration steps.

Edit: Source files can be found Here.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


An old HTML template I found in my old works repository. It was made for Orbit company, but I can't recall if they ever used it.
I still have the template online on my web so you can check it on

Here is some nice screenshot also:

Monday, August 10, 2009

A quick profile web I made for a small slovakian company. This was my first webpage after a very long time. Looks dull but I'm not into changing it anymore :).

You can see the web for yourselves on

And if you're too lazy to click, this is how it looks:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Landscape generator

Some pictures from older OpenGL project - Landscape generator.
Terrain and texture generators use perlin noise function in this one.

Made completely in C/C++ (+OpenGL) in VS2008.

Edit: Here are complete (I hope) source files.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


One older design and xhtml template I made for a company in Prague MHM. I lost my original work after such time, but the design is more or less the same.
Design screenshot:

Or you can see the full version on their website.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

FIT Invaders

My last actionscript work, a very simple invaders-like game I made as a project for my multimedia classes.

The game is only half-finished, missing shop system, bosses and some additional details (which I'm planning to finish during summer), but is playable anyway.


Play Here!

Edit: Source files can be found Here!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Al-Profi logo

Just a three simple amateur logos I made for a small slovakian company called Al-profi. Made with reference to their older logo in a shape of a roof (They sell things you can use on your roof ... well, stuff like that :))

At the end they wanted no.3.